Atlassian Cloud price changes and product changes 2024
Die Atlassian Cloud entwickelt sich stetig weiter, um Teams eine noch effektivere Zusammenarbeit zu ermöglichen. Im Oktober 2024 stehen nun wichtige Änderungen an der Preisstruktur und den einzelnen Produkten an. Diese Anpassungen betreffen unter anderem die Atlassian Cloud-Produkte Jira, Confluence, Jira Service Management, Opsgenie, Bitbucket und Atlassian Guard. Die Änderungen treten am 16. Oktober 2024 […]
Exalate vs Advanced Issue Sync for Jira
For teams that work across multiple Jira instances, want to synchronize Jira with Jira Service Management or collaborate with other companies in Jira, synchronization solutions such as Advanced Issue Sync for Jira are essential. We examine two prominent tools here: Exalate vs Advanced Issue Sync for Jira, and provides a detailed comparison to help you make the [...]
What is a Developer Self-Service?
Efficiency and autonomy play a central role in today's software development. One concept that is becoming increasingly important is "developer self-service". But what exactly is behind this term and why is it so important? In this article, we will take a closer look at the definition, benefits and functionality of developer self-service. What [...]
How can I use AIs safely and efficiently with Azure and OpenAI in my company?
The AI landscape is evolving rapidly, and the increasing use of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) such as ChatGPT and Google's Gemini is nothing short of revolutionary. These powerful tools have the potential to streamline workflows, increase creativity and provide unprecedented efficiency in problem solving and content creation. The integration of these public [...]
End of Atlassian Server Support - What happens if I don't switch from Atlassian Server to the cloud?
As a long-time user of Atlassian products, you probably remember the good old server days. But now a change is coming that you should not ignore. As of February 15, 2024, Atlassian will end support for all server solutions. So it's high time to act. Risks of staying on Server: Stay on Server, risk security vulnerabilities [...]
Webinar Platform Engineering: AWS account setup with JSM
In our webinar "Platform Engineering - Building AWS Accounts in Just One Hour with JSM Cloud", our DevOps ambassadors Chris and Ivan, along with Atlassian platform expert Marcin from BSH, introduced the transformative approach of Platform Engineering and how it is revolutionizing cloud infrastructure management for development teams. In our conversation, we discussed the concept of platform engineering, including how [...]
What is Platform Engineering
IT teams, developers, department heads and CTOs must ensure that applications and digital products are brought to market quickly, efficiently and securely and are always available. However, the conditions for this are often not given. Compliance and security guidelines, as well as long and complicated processes, make it difficult for IT teams to achieve these goals. But this must [...]
Atlassian Cloud: Price changes in October 2023 and product changes in November 2023
The Atlassian Cloud is at the heart of many teams when it comes to effective collaboration. In October 2023, some changes to the pricing structure and the individual products are now pending. These price adjustments affect the Atlassian Cloud products Jira, Jira Service Management, Confluence and Access, among others. The adjustments will take effect for the Atlassian Cloud on October 18 [...]
A comparison of popular container orchestration tools
With the increasing adoption of new technologies and the shift to cloud-native environments, container orchestration has become an indispensable tool for deploying, scaling and managing containerized applications. Kubernetes, Amazon ECS and Azure Container Apps have emerged as leaders among the many options available. But with so many options, how can you figure out [...]
10 Best Practices for Deploying and Managing Microservices in the Production Environment
Microservices are a hot topic in software development, and for good reason. By breaking down a monolithic application into smaller, independently deployable services, teams can increase the speed and flexibility of their development process. However, deploying and managing microservices in a production environment is challenging. That's why it's important to follow best practices, [...]