Since 2016, we have been helping and accompanying IT teams on their way to implementing DevOps methods, cloud concepts and agile workflows. At the beginning of the year, XALT received the Atlassian Gold Partner Award. And at the end of July 2021, the time had finally come - we were named an AWS Consulting Partner.

What do we at XALT intend to do with this certification? And how we will use this new capability to help companies successfully implement DevOps or migrate their software landscape to the cloud in the future, you can read in this article.

Future-proof companies need a fail-safe IT infrastructure

The cloud migration of an existing software landscape has never been more relevant than today. Performance, downtimes and availability are important factors that have a direct impact on the business viability of a company and additionally impact customer satisfaction. 

The demands of today's customers and users are far more diverse and consolidated than they were just a few years ago. Due to the unlimited availability of the Internet and its direct impact on the workplace, it has become a necessity that productive systems are permanently available from everywhere. 

By leveraging AWS cloud computing solutions, we have been able to keep these outages to a minimum for our customers and ensure availability of 99.95% and above. With solutions like Blue-Green Deployments and the use of Docker, Kubernetes, Atlassian Apps and the implementation of the DevOps culture, we also achieve that teams of different departments can work together more easily and efficiently. And in doing so, achieve a direct and, above all, positive impact on the company's goals. 

XALT's plans for 2021 and 2022 at a glance

Along with the new AWS partnership, XALT is tackling several issues. Here's what's next for XALT.

  • Migrating existing solutions, Atlassian plugins and apps to the cloud to make them fit for the future and actively support our existing customers and partners
  • Further development of our existing apps and development of new approaches. And provision of Jira Sync as a stand-alone 3rd party integration for Jira software. 
  • Growth in the DACH region and the USA.
  • Expansion of the teams in the areas of infrastructure, DevOps, development, sales and marketing, distributed across our locations in Munich and Leipzig. 

Cloud computing provides more flexibility

For many companies, 2020 and 2021 will go down in corporate history as a year of change and reorganization - this is the year when the potential of cloud computing becomes clear. With home offices and remote working, a smoothly running software environment with digital processes and tools has become key to a company's agility and long-term success.

In this sense, cloud computing based on AWS plays a crucial role. 

"We have to internalize that a company, in addition to its employees, is dependent on the permanent availability of software. This includes all tools of a company with which the employees work every day. Only when companies guarantee this, all users can fully concentrate on their work and be truly successful." - Philipp G.

The migration of software to the cloud - such as Jira and Confluence from Atlassian - is currently still in its infancy at many German companies. The great advantage of cloud migrations of Atlassian tools is that business processes can also be digitized and automated. This results in further savings and positive effects on the company's goals.

Become part of the team!

Work with us on exciting projects and solutions for current, important IT questions in the areas of Atlassian, DevOps and Cloud technologies.

Digital transformation and cloud computing requires further thoughts

The pandemic has changed many things. Remote work and home office are now inevitably linked to the modern working world. Every company must decide for itself how it lives and shapes this new reality.

In terms of digital transformation and cloud computing, this means implementing new methods and building state-of-the-art IT infrastructure. It is time to look ahead and take things in hand that inevitably, already today, stand for the 21st century. It is time to prepare for further change and to provide all employees with the tools they use every day, everywhere and at all times, which they need for their value-adding work. 

→ Success Story Cloud: Here you can find out how Weltbild was able to improve its service and infrastructure stability with the help of the migration of their ecommerce shop to the cloud.