SAP Solution Manager on the brink of extinction. For years, SAP Solution Manager (SolMan) was your faithful companion for managing and running tests in your SAP environment. But suddenly everything is changing: SAP has announced that it will be discontinuing Solution Manager after 2027 not to continue developing and supporting it. An SAP Solution Manager alternative is needed!

Find an SAP Solution Manager alternative

You may be asking yourself: "What now? How am I supposed to manage my SAP landscape without the familiar Solution Manager?" This question is currently on the minds of many SAP users worldwide. The need for a robust SAP Solution Manager alternative is growing by the day.

The impending consequences: Why you need to act now

Risks of inaction

If you ignore this development, you are exposing yourself and your company to considerable risks:

  1. Security gapsWithout regular updates, the SolMan becomes easy prey for cyber attacks.
  2. Inefficient processesOutdated functions lead to productivity losses and rising costs.
  3. Compliance problemsLack of support can jeopardize compliance with current regulations.
  4. Innovation traffic jamNew SAP technologies may no longer be able to be integrated.

The pressure increases

With every day that passes, the search for an alternative becomes more urgent. If you don't face up to this challenge in time, you run a risk:

  • Hasty decisions under time pressure
  • High migration costs due to lack of preparation
  • Interruptions to critical business processes

The solution: X-Ray for Jira - your SAP Solution Manager alternative (SolMan) for automated testing in the SAP environment

Now you breathe a sigh of relief, because there is a solution: X-RayCrossALM's powerful Jira integration, is positioning itself as a promising SAP Solution Manager alternative to automatically test your software. In addition, X-Ray can be used far beyond SAP to carry out tests. This essentially saves you additional resources in your IT environment.

What makes X-Ray special?

X-Ray impresses with the following core functions:

  1. Seamless Jira integrationUse the familiar Jira interface for your test management in both Jira Cloud and Date Center.
  2. Automated testingSave time and resources through AI-supported test automation and direct integration into your workflow.
  3. Comprehensive test coverageFrom unit tests to end-to-end scenarios - X-Ray has everything under control.
  4. Real-time reportingKeep track of your test progress and test results at all times.
  5. ScalabilityGrow flexibly with your requirements, without sacrificing performance.

X-Ray vs. SAP Solution Manager: A comparison

FunctionX-RaySAP Solution Manager
Future security✅Continuous further development❌Support ends in 2027
User-friendliness✅Intuitive Jira interface❌Often perceived as complex
Automation✅Advanced AI support⚠️Begrenzte Automation options
IntegrationVersatile API connections⚠️Primär limited to SAP ecosystem
Costs✅Flexible pricing models❌Often perceived as cost-intensive

Practical application examples

  1. Regression test automation
    • Create your test cases once in Jira
    • X-Ray performs this automatically with every release
    • Receive immediate notifications in the event of deviations
  2. Cross-system testing
    • Define complex E2E scenarios across multiple SAP modules
    • X-Ray orchestrates and monitors the entire test process
    • Identify bottlenecks and errors across systems
  3. Proof of compliance
    • Use predefined compliance test suites
    • X-Ray automatically documents all test results
    • Generate audit-compliant reports with one click

The migration path: From SAP Solution Manager to X-Ray

  1. InventoryAnalyze your current SolMan test processes.
  2. MappingAssign existing test cases to the X-Ray structures.
  3. Data importUse X-Ray's import functions for a smooth migration.
  4. TrainingGet your team ready for the new solution (X-Ray offers extensive resources).
  5. Parallel operationFirst introduce X-Ray in parallel with SolMan.
  6. Complete replacementShut down the SAP Solution Manager after a successful transition.

Conclusion: X-Ray as a future-proof SolMan alternative

Replacing SAP Solution Manager may seem like a daunting challenge at first. But with X-Ray from CrossALM, you have a powerful and future-proof alternative at your disposal.

With seamless integration into Jira, advanced automation features and a user-friendly interface, X-Ray not only addresses the acute problems of the expiring SolMan support, but also offers numerous advantages for your test management.