Customer focus: XALT as part of the team

Customer orientation at XALT

Last year, we were able to carry out the most extensive cloud migration in the DACH region to date for our customer Fath. At this point we are pleased to be able to give you not only insights into XALT and what XALT is all about, but also how we worked together with Fath and Atlassian on this successful project. Insights into XALT [...]

Pledge 1% at XALT

Pledge 1 percent - xalt helps out at the Christmas market for a good cause

Worldwide, Pledge-1% moves companies to give back to society. One percent of their time, capital, products or profits are donated to a nonprofit organization of their choice. Atlassian, Salesforce and Rally launched this initiative in 2014. Today, over 10,000 members around the world are already involved. XALT is a part of this [...]