Advantages of digital business processes

Advantages of digital business processes

Digital transformation, cloud technologies and business process automation are key topics in companies all over the world. It is therefore not surprising that companies can work more productively, save resources or offer a better customer experience with the help of new technologies. By digitizing business processes, companies benefit from a whole range of positive effects. All the advantages of digital [...]

Digitized business processes for an improved customer and user experience

Digitization of business processes with Jira to improve the customer and user experience

Customers buy from companies that give them the best, most seamless, and easiest digital experience. In today's world, speed is everything. Being first to market and fastest to deliver new features, fix bugs, or ship products within a day is proven to improve user experience and customer satisfaction. Digitized business processes contribute to this and [...]

Technical debt in agile software development

Technical debt

Imagine you are driving a car and you notice that your brakes don't work properly anymore. But instead of having them fixed right away, you first decide to wash your car and install a new radio and temporarily repair your brakes with old parts. This way, with your prioritizing, doing other [...]